It takes very brave men and women indeed to fight on the front line of White Nationalism. There is plenty of room in the many other party's for cowards, too weak and frightened too stand up to the real truth. Only those with guts, with fire in their hearts, those fearless White warriors who will stand up and be counted against all the odds, when all around them are condemning them because they dare too tell the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts and can be very uncomfortable indeed, but its still the truth. It is well documented and recorded that these lands belong to the White aryan race of people and have been their home for many thousands of years.
Were YOU ever consulted and did these traitors ever ask YOU whether you wanted the UK to be swamped with every nationality and race on the planet ? Well the answer is of course NO. Why ? Because these traitors we have in government are not interested in your opinion they don't give a damn what YOU think because the plan is already in progress. We are being pushed into a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT whether we like it or not. These MP`s who are supposed to represent us the general public and have control of our country's laws are just puppets in a far bigger picture. They are quite content and happy with their fat cat lifestyles and have their snouts stuck so deep in the expenses trough that even they don't realise what is happening.
Again, The European Union, do you think they give a damn what YOU think about it ? again of course the answer is NO. Why should they care in the least what your concerns are or what YOU want ? They know only too well that the average person on the street doesn't want to join this corrupt and squalid European Union and they know if there was a referendum now the general public would vote a resounding NO - at the moment. But just think at the rate our towns and cities up and down the country are changing and becoming virtually unrecognisable we might as well be in europe. Think about this for a moment. Britain was always a very hard hard nut to crack when it came too joining the European Union and they knew this only too well, we were never going to join in a million years, so what better way to change opinion than to flood the country with foreigners. Eventually if a referendum was held at the right time the answer would be a very different one indeed as the make up of the country would have changed so dramatically. This therefore is the reason for the massive influx of people from all over the world which has now reached epidemic levels and this has been the case for a long while now. We are going to become a European Superstate whether we like it or not, that is the stark reality of this sad and sorry state of affairs. Unless we fight back and take action quickly, very quickly indeed because at the moment its looking a very bleak future for the true White race, its nation and its people.
Today is the day to wake up !!!
The White people have built these lands and its wealth and the White people have been the ones that have thought for century's to protect them from foreign invasion. The powers that be are not just happy with destroying the White Race, oh no, after millions of White peoples lives have been lost protecting these lands from invasion these traitors in government are just going to hand the nation away on a plate whilst you just sit their and watch Emmerdale Farm !!!
Why then with this said should we NOT have a right to protect the White Race from certain extinction ? Well I shall tell you in no uncertain terms, we have every damn right to defend our Race and Nation, not only do we have every damn right to defend our Race and Nation we have a duty to our forefathers to protect our existence within these lands that are ours ours. The British Peoples Party refuse to sit idly by and just watch whilst our whole lifestyle, our whole culture and our whole heritage are destroyed and stolen from us like a thief in the night.