Psychological warfare in the form of thought control has been declared and used with enormous effect over many years by our state run television, media and the government of traitors itself who were elected, supposedly to serve the people of these lands. Thought control is used extensively in our classrooms on our white children's young minds. One particular area they seem to work on regular is to instill a feeling of guilt into the young white children, for example with the teachings of black slavery and the holocaust as a small example. This plan is to install into the young white children's minds a terrible feeling of guilt from a young age as if they are in fact in some way in debt and feel responsible for the past. This is achieved with the use of guilt and used to benefit other children of certain ethnic groups and minority's. This all leaves the young white children to feel a great sense of shame for their country rather than to be proud of it. In other words a feeling of great shame is achieved on the young white children by the use of thought control.
The whole concept of thought control is where your mind is taken over by forces outside your control, the term " brainwashing " is often used as well which is basically the same procedure. The thought control as I would rather call it is being done by stealth. The target or person having their thoughts controlled by the media and television as a good example will have no idea what is going on. There are a generation of people now alive who know nothing that has not come out of that television. Ideally the person needs to feel isolated where in our case fear has been used, the fear of terror, the war on terror, etc. The aim is then to further stir it up to create an absolute climate of fear where people now become to feel very isolated indeed and are looking towards the government for help. This is now the critical point in the process of thought control. The government now steps in as if to be offering help to the public but in fact its just the excuse they need to create even more new laws than they already have to help combat this " war on terror " as they like to call it, but in fact, if you take a good look at these new laws they are actually taking away many, many of our hard fought freedoms, liberties and rights. So in fact this is all working as reverse psychology against us as free and independent human beings and our hard fought freedoms are being stolen from us bit by bit each time making us weaker and weaker as a society. We are now virtually living in a police state.
Adolf Hitler once quoted; " The greater the lie, the greater that it will be believed." Well never has this been more relevant than to the invasion of Iraq. We were told a huge lie, a monumental lie, yet people still are convinced by the states thought control that our country is doing the right thing and of course its got nothing to do with the plundering of Iraq's wealth in oil has it ? I will give you another example of how the state and the USA in particular have used thought control to convince you that they are doing this all for the good of democracy and freedom. They invaded Afghanistan which just happens to be conveniently the heroin capital of the world, but of course this is not the reason they invaded the country is it ? Now at this point I would like you to stop and just have a few moments to yourself to think logically and in an educated way and forget all the media lies they spin out to you every day 24/7 via those comics they call newspapers ........ The Reason for the invasion of Afghanistan was; ... wait for it ..... To find a man who was hiding in a CAVE in the Afghan mountains, yes that's right hiding in a CAVE ! Not only was this tribes man allegedly responsable, masterminded and funded the biggest terrorist attack on New York City ever witnessed in the history of the world, he did all this from a CAVE he masterminded all this !!! The most amazing aspect of all of this " fairy tale " in my opinion is with all the advanced satellite technology etc, that we have in the world today, they still can`t find this alleged tribes man hiding in a CAVE and if you have noticed recently they don`t even seem to be that concerned anymore about finding him.
Well I will tell you why they have not found him, either he dosen`t exist which I personally think is the truth of the matter but if he did exist ... They DON'T want to find him anyway. The reason being Osama Bin Laden is the trump card, he is the " WAR ON TERROR." They have no intentions finding him or of leaving the Middle East because they now have a permanent base to launch attacks on neighbouring country's. It certainly looks like Iran is next on the hit list, but they need something big to happen to justify an invasion. Because its not easy to get people to go to war and kill each other, they need a very good reason or event for this to be possible. Many people seem to think that a nuclear weapon of some description may be used to justify an invasion it would need to be a very big event indeed ..... And just for curiosity, I wonder which Middle East state is the only one that always benefits, every time from what ever happens there ???

The systematic and often forcible elimination from a persons mind of more established ideas, especially political ones, so that another set of ideas may take their place: this process is regarded as the kind of coercive conversion practised by certain totalitarian states on political dissidents
The systematic and often forcible elimination from a persons mind of more established ideas, especially political ones, so that another set of ideas may take their place: this process is regarded as the kind of coercive conversion practised by certain totalitarian states on political dissidents
The intent is to change a mind radically so that its owner becomes a living puppet-a human robot-without the atrocity being visible from the outside. The aim is to create a mechanism in flesh and blood, with new beliefs and new thought processes inserted in a captive body. What that amounts to is the search for a slave race that, unlike the slaves of olden times, can be trusted never to revolt, always to be amendable to orders, like an insect to its instincts.