Well this piece of important information had been conveniently omitted from any subsequent newspaper reports relating to the activities of this scrounger. The board pictured on the left which is situated by the entrance of the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit. In fact looks like it has been written by a three year old. Towards the top of the board it clearly states; "OPEN FOR ADVICE" Yes and what kind of advice ? The best way too screw the system kind of advice perhaps ? Or maybe all this is just one big coincidence ? Oh, and by the way make sure your there before 10 am as your likely to be killed in the stampede. I bet Omoike spent every day of the week in this place getting clued up on the workings of the system. This is an absolute disgrace when OUR own people and pensioners are trying to survive on a pittance. We have places like this operating aiding and abetting these migrants on how best too screw the system to their advantage with their same old sob story's. They are having a good laugh at us off the back of our soft touch Britain image. We also came across another sight on a street just off Lansdowne Road whilst in the area, the remains of a painting on a brick wall at the end of the street. I think the picture speaks a million words on how this place has been turned into a dustbin for every nationality and race on the planet. We stood for a moment as it took our minds back to how it must once have been in times gone by.