Saturday, 2 February 2008


Welcome to the Manchester British Peoples Party blog. The purpose of this blog is to be a voice for our fellow white nationalists and keep them updated on current news and events in the Manchester area of the UK. The Manchester BPP blog will cover those news items, you know the type, the ones that get pushed to the back of the newspaper or in most cases not even reported on at all and just end up in the dustbin. Well the aim of Manchester BPP is to change all of this Political Correctness nonsense and media bias against the indigneous population who have had enough of being told how to live their lives and even how they should think. The people of this land are sick too the back teeth of sitting back while this government, which was elected by them, to serve them, has instead declared war on its own people.

The Manchester BPP unit is not a political party as such but a movement. Our main aim as a movement is to organize and participate in street demonstrations and days of action by peaceful and legal means and to protest against the systematic destruction of our heritage and culture which our forefathers have fought and died for. Our main purpose is to defend our race and nation from what will be certain extinction. We are no longer prepared to sit back and be treated as third class citizens in our own land and sit by in silence watching the destruction of our once great country by the traitors in government. The same traitors who have its own people too frightenened to speak out because of the million and one new laws they have brought out to silence them. Well we in the Manchester BPP will NOT be silenced because as far as we are concerned there is nothing wrong in freedom of speech, telling the truth and defending what you think to be right.