There is of course the political road which many people choose to follow but this is as corrupt as the government itself. People speak of democracy yet they who preach the wonders of democracy choose who can say what, and which partys are acceptable and which are not. They wont even let the nationalist have a voice on Television or the Media ! Democracy is the right to elect your own dictator. Were you ever consulted or asked if you wanted your nation to be turned into the dust bin of the world for immigrants and anyone else who fancys a piece of the action? Have you ever been consulted or asked if you wish to join the European Union ? Well the answer of course is NO, because your opinion dosn`t matter to these traitors they already know what they want to do and that is as plain as day and night. There plan is to turn our nation into a One World European Superstate - One government, One army and One moneytry system. That Im afraid is the stark reality of it all, mark my words, because this is what is going to happen. The political way in our opinion is a loser as they run the whole show and there is, in our opinion never a chance they will let a nationalist into government, they will make sure that never happens. But saying that, good luck to them, if that is the path you choose, we are all nationalists together who want to achieve the same goal at the end of the day and that is the survival of our nation and our people. The people of this nation have been brainwashed so much by this corrupt and spineless government run media and television. That they constantly pump into them day after day after day that nationalists are Bad people, Nazis, Thugs Scum etc. That they in the end up actually think that WE are the enemy and they would rather go and vote for a political party that is dismantling and doing a very good demolishion job indeed of their nation, than have a nationalist in government. The other choice is to be brave take the bull by the horns and stand up to these traitors in government as a movement and fight back. We will use legal means and organize demonstrations and street activitys in large numbers. Then they can no longer ignore our White Race and treat us with such contempt, like third class citizens in our own land. At the end of the day we have every right to defend our homeland, our heritage, culture and defend what we see to be honest and the right thing to do .....